Sunday, April 6, 2008


So many of the offers on the internet are just not quality situations. They are either low value options that do not create true (consistent) income or they are just straight scams. Making internet money has become a target for some of the worst operators on the internet.

One of the big misconceptions has been the internet survey. A lot of people on the internet have determined that taking online surveys is just a waste of time, or a set-up to get their money. This is not the case when you work with quality companies. Rather than paying to get a bucket load of surveys, it is better to find them, test them and work with them because you feel they are legitimate. This is what I did.

The reality is that there are several ways to build steady, internet income for easy work. When I say easy, I mean you are sitting at your computer and typing. Maybe you are responding to answers in a survey, or perhaps you are clicking on a paid email.

Why does it have to be this way? Mainly because the bad apples ruin things for the legitimate ones. Just like in school, when three kids acted up and all 30 got punished. The bad ones are giving the good ones a bad name.

In addition, if you want to have an online job that actually pays wages, as in W-2 wages, then that is available also. One of the leading firms for this is which is a company with a solid record of hiring thousands of people to work from home. Do your own research and find out if you agree.